Bita has been a practicing registered nurse since graduating from Grand Canyoun University with bachelor degree of nursing. She has over 5 years experience in medicine profession including oncology and plastic surgery. 3 years ago , Bita found her passion in aesthetic medicine , Bita enjoys educating her clients on aesthetics and explaining what each products and procedures provided at Setiba can do to help to enhance and maintain your natural beauty .
With more than 40 years of experience in the medical field, Dr. Michael Gitter provides state-of-the-art medical services to patients across all of Southern California.
He received his medical degree from Temple University School of Medicine in 1970 and has since worked as a Family Medicine Specialist.
Dr. Gitter is passionate about providing the best patient care possible – from high-quality treatments to impeccable customer service
Saba works at Setiba Medical Spa as our Office Coordinator